Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Lavender , Lavender Plants , Lavender Oil , Lavender Flower


Lavender is the kind of 41 species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. An Old World genus of Macaronesia (Cape Verde and the Canary Islands and Madeira) in Africa Lavender , Lavender Plants , Lavender Oil , Lavender Flower, the Mediterranean, South-West Asia, Arabia, Iran, West and South-East and Indian distribution Lavender Plants. He believes that the species native to Asia, but diverse, especially in the western state region.

Type Lavender which includes annuals, perennials, shrubs and small bushes. This range includes the Canary Islands, North Africa and Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe and the Mediterranean, Arabia and India. Because the cultivated forms are Lavender Plants in gardens around the world, is sometimes found growing wild garden refugees Lavender Flower, far above its natural home.

Lavender Plants

Lavender Oil

Model with cross-pollination of Lavender, there are many variations within the species. Flower color is called Lavender.Lavenders developing some form in dry Lavender Flower, well drained sandy or gravelly soil in full sun. root rot caused by fungal infection could be a problem. Avoid the use of organic fertilizers, rock, decomposed granite instead of sand or organic material, such as the humidity around the Lavender Plants case, which promotes root rot.

Lavender Flower

In other types of Lavender currently applies to the three sub-genera (Upson and Andrews 2004), Lavandula and Sabaudia is Desiree Lavender Flower. In addition, there are many hybrids and cultivars of experience in commercial horticulture. A number of other Lamiaceae species is closely related to each other (outside), Ocimum gratissimum including pectinata Hyptis, Plectranthus barbatus and Denia Tetra fruticosa Lavender Plants.

Results of lavender flowers can be processed by refineries that produce oil. Lavender essential oil can be for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It was in the hospital during the Second World War, used to sterilize the floors and walls. Extracts are used as fragrances for bath products needs.

In the conventional sense, lavender has many uses. Infuse lavender soothe and heal insect bites and burns. Group Lavender Flower. When applied to the temples, Lavender Oil reduces headaches. In pillows, lavender flowers and seeds to aid sleep and relaxation. Infusion of three flowerheads added to a cup of boiling water soothes and relaxes at bedtime. Lavender oil (or lavender extract) to treat acne when used diluted 1:10 with water hazel, rosewater, or witch, also burns and skin inflammation Lavender Plants.

Found, after a 2005 study, "although recently discovered that lavender oil and linalyl acetate component main, is toxic to cells in vitro human skin, contact dermatitis Lavender , Lavender Plants , Lavender Oil , Lavender Flower seems to occur only at very low frequencies. Relevance of in vitro toxicity of oil Lavender dermatological applications remains unclear. Until now still doing research to obtain valid results and the pure of Lavender Oil.

In accordance with phototoxicity, says a 2007 study by researchers Lavender Oil and sandalwood photohaemolysis revealed in our test system. However, he has published several cases of photosensitivity of substances, for example, patients with repeated light reaction in photo-patch tests positive for sandalwood and Lavender and Lavender Flowers.

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